Home based learning


This page contains links and information to support children who are isolating as household cases.

If your child has tested positive or they are unwell then they just need to rest and recover. There is no need for them to complete school work.

The hard pack work provided for children in isolation is approximately 2 weeks worth of activities, please also see below the online learning sites available. Students also have their Ministry Homework books provided Term 4 2021 to work through, 1 unit per day.

Distance learning for children needing to isolate as household contacts will not include online meetings with teachers. We will move to this model if we are required to due to teacher shortage.

The Ministry of Education also have a range of resources for supporting your child’s learning from home. Click the links below:

Downloadable learning packs from the Ministry of Education


Junior School – Piwakawaka Y1-3

Websites and links to online learning:

Senior School - Tui Y4-8

Websites and links to online learning:

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Noldy Rust - Ray White Akela Kennels & Training Carters Welding & Fabrication Finch Contracting Ltd Zac Buckeridge Builders Okupata Crossroads
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